
The colleges and or universities shown in the sample plaques are examples based on previous customers or clients. Diploma Plaque Laminators is not associated in any way with the colleges or universities shown therein.

The colors of the plaques shown on our website are representations and may not match wood colors exactly in the plaques you physically receive. Computer monitors, smartphones and tablets may present colors which may vary in color and not match exactly the color of the plaque received. Also, our plaques may not match plaques, colors or otherwise, produced by other companies many years ago.

Uploading a PDF file is by far the FASTEST turnaround on your order, although we will do our very best during the month of December to deliver orders before Christmas, please be aware we can not guarantee orders received after December 10th for Christmas delivery.

Although we do our very best to ship PDF orders within 2 business days, your PDF order may take a little longer depending on workload and during the December holidays. Uploading a PDF file is by far the fastest way of receiving your plaque. Your understanding is appreciated.

Mail in orders take approximately 14-21 business days from the receipt of the order to ship except orders may take longer during the December and New Year holidays. Your understanding is appreciated.

Note:  Wood grain will always flow horizontally on a horizontal plaque. On a vertical plaque wood grain will always flow vertically.

Please note: Although we repeatedly ask for the actual document size when uploading a PDF file (many places throughout our web site) all too often, the size is not submitted. If a document size is not provided, we will have the option, at our discretion, of defaulting to
8.5 x 11 as the document size for the plaque.

Maple wood plaque sample with gold border - diploma plaque laminators - Certificate plaques - Disclaimer Image